Starlight Tours In Winnipeg

Myth or reality

The recent allegations by Evan Maud that he was picked up by police and driven to the outskirts of Winnipeg, deprived of some of his clothing, threatened with a Taser and then abandoned, have the potential of setting back relations between the Winnipeg police and the Aboriginal community all the way to the J. J. Harper era.

Since the incidents of police in Saskatoon driving young aboriginal males outside the city and abandoning them first came to light, there have been on going rumours about the same thing having happened in Winnipeg.

When aboriginal people say to each other or their leaders ‘that happened to me’ but fail to come forward and file a formal complaint, they perpetuate what is either a myth or a very serious problem.  If if did not happen, then the Winnipeg Police Service and its members are  being maligned; if it did happen, heads should roll.

I have only one word of advice for Evan Maud his family, and the aboriginal leaders who are advising him:  Make a formal report and do it now. And I don’t want to hear any nonsense about not trusting the police or the process.  In a high-profile case such as this, if the matter is reported it will be properly investigated.

If the matter is submitted for investigation there are basically three possible outcomes:  Either Maud was picked up by Winnipeg Police officers; picked up by men posing as Winnipeg police officers; or, it did not happen.

Either way the matter needs to be investigated, and  appropriate action needs to follow.

3 comments on “Starlight Tours In Winnipeg

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Chris D., Mysteriously Unnamed. Mysteriously Unnamed said: Former Winnipeg police deputy chief Menno Zacharias weighs in on 'starlight drive' story. […]


  2. If these allegations prove to be true, the officers’ actions are very disturbing. Nobody deserves to be treated in this manner. I commend Evan Maud for speaking out about what he claims happened to him and for bringing this issue into the public eye.


  3. brianoakely says:

    I was once picked up by the the City of Winnipeg Police and threatened with being taken out of town and dropped off to walk back.

    Yes. They were City Police.

    They didn’t drop me off outside of Winnipeg. But they did drop me about a mile from my house, which was about two miles from where they picked me up.

    With that said.

    It was a hot summer day and to be honest, I can understand their position.

    Straight up.

    I was a teenager, sixteen (It was 1976). Myself and a buddy (who happens to now be a member of the Toronto Police Force) got hold of some liquor. We weren’t totally tanked, but obviously having a “good time”.

    It was a hot summer day and we were walking along Churchill Drive. I bent down to take off the Civil War boots that I liked to wear back then and my friend said, “hey man, it’s the pigs”. I stood up, and with my sense of voice lost to the alcohol, bellowed, “FUCKING PIGS! WHERE?”…..As it happened, they passed just at the moment of my indiscretion.

    They put me in the car and asked what I said. I sheepishly tried to explain and the topic quickly turned to why was I, an obvious juvenile, obviously drunk?

    They talked about what the best “solution would be”, and that ranged from taking me home to my parents to dropping me off outside the Perimeter, or perhaps the North End.

    At the end of the day, they settled on the area behind the Transit Depot on Osborne.

    They chewed me out a bit more and I stumbled home.

    Not one of my finer moments to be sure, but hey! Young and stupid.

    So I would suggest that it could happen.

    I agree with you Mr. Zarcharias and I hope that this chap stops this nonsense about going public, but then refusing to cooperate.

    While I am somewhat sympathetic to his position, it is not possible to be totally supportive if he fails to follow through and speak with the City Police.

    In my case.

    Meh, I had it coming.


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